Hi all. I'm looking for support and hopefully can give some in return.
I'm 64, retired last year and my weight has just gone whoooosh!
I've always struggled with my weight. I like all the wrong things and and can't just stop at one square of chocolate or one biscuit. It has to be the whole bar or the whole packet
I got down to my target weight a few years ago with Weightwatchers, but I've been about a stone overweight for a while now and since I retired it has gone up to two stones. And height-wise I seem to be shrinking so that makes me even more overweight. I don't really want to go back to a 'meetings' environment, but I can't do it alone.
I've been reading some of your posts and this seems a really lovely place. But please be gentle with me
I'm 64, retired last year and my weight has just gone whoooosh!
I've always struggled with my weight. I like all the wrong things and and can't just stop at one square of chocolate or one biscuit. It has to be the whole bar or the whole packet
I got down to my target weight a few years ago with Weightwatchers, but I've been about a stone overweight for a while now and since I retired it has gone up to two stones. And height-wise I seem to be shrinking so that makes me even more overweight. I don't really want to go back to a 'meetings' environment, but I can't do it alone.
I've been reading some of your posts and this seems a really lovely place. But please be gentle with me