Hello Everyone :)

I came across this fantastic site today and have to say everyone is so supportive and friendly! It makes a refreshing change to some sites.
I have been on/off dieting again but since I stopped smoking 8 weeks ago have gained a few lbs so thought its best I start again. Just trying to decide which route as I'm fed up with SW!!!
I'm 32, SAHM (I work from home) and freshly divorced so really hoping to get to my goal of a new me soon ;)

Blue Eyed Blonde :p
Welcome to Minimins :) Good luck whatever diet you decide on

I also stumbled accross this and thought I'd join in, every little helps!! I've only just started the diet thing and have a goal of at least 4 stone in a year...

*fingers crossed*
hi and welcome and good luck on your weight loss journey xx
Hiya and welcome to the forum. If ya havent started on any diet plan as yet the best thing to do would be to have a wee look on all the diets here and ask questions to benefit yourself. Everyone is friendly here and will always offer advice on every diet going and nobody is judgemental. When I first signed her I wasnt sure what to do and thats what I did, I ended up going for the Lipotrim diet and haven't turned back since. If ya need any help or advice I can try my best to give it to ya. All the best anyways on whatever diet ya decide, take care