Hello from a newbie!!

Katie Nana

New Member
Hey I'm a weight watchers vetern at this stage :D:D (I joined for the 5th time this week I'm day 3 in) but a Forum newbie :confused::confused:.

I re-joined weight watchers on Tuesday night. I'm finding it okay just now but want to get off to a good start. This is my first time doing the pro points on weight watchers and I found this site when I was on trawling the internet looking for weight watcher points for cadbury chocolate!!

Just wondering what everyone else is up to...
I'm a newbie to the forum too :)
I do SW and am a veteran or maybe a yo-yo'er at it would be a better description lol Some of my friends do the WW pro points and are doing great on it. Is that the one where you can have more points if you do extra exercise?
Good luck, hope you have a great first week loss xx
Hiya, I'm a newbie too. I'm doing it online so the only support I'll get is from here and friends and not a group so a little scary but exciting too. Good luck everyone xx