Hello from Derbyshire


New Member
Hi from sunny Derbyshire.
I have, in the last 2 years put on nearly six stone.
I was 11 stone when I got together with my partner in June 2010. I had recently had my meds changed to include sertraline and noticed I had started to gain weight.
I expected the weight gain to tail off after time but it didn't. Over the year I rose to 17 stone.
Just under a year ago I stopped taking all meds and over a period of time replaced them with supplements and phytomedicines.
The problem is, I just can't shift the weight. I have tried everything (well everything sensible).
Has anyone else had this problem and how do I fix it? It seems my metabolism has hit a stand still...
I am doing a sponsored walk next year and due to a back problem, if I stay at this weight I can't see it happening.
I am determined to lose it but I could do with some pointers....

please help