Hello, I'm hodgepodge and I'm overweight!!! (like an AA meeting)!


New Member
Yikes,, well, since having babies, I've lost my metabolism somewhere, I've gone from being able to eat what I want in whatever proportions I want, to only having to think about food and gaining weight! So, my eldest is almost 7, and I've had another couple of beautiful babies since, the last being 2 years ago. My weight now averages at about 11 stone 4, that was until I discovered how to make (and eat) chocolate fudge, and I've not ballooned to 11 stone 10lbs (I was 11st12lbs last week, but today weigh in at 11st8.5lbs after a week of being sensible with food)! It's a disaster as I actually went on a big diet last year and got back into the 9 stones and was delighted, but that chocolate fudge has embedded itself into my belly and thighs and hips. I'm gutted, obviously, but there's only one thing I can do to get rid of the junk in the trunk, and that is to diet and exercise!
I joined a gym in January and begun running, though at the time I wasn't so desperate to lose weight, I got so hungry from the exercise that I'd pig out on carbs!! Now I can't go to the gym as often as I like as my DH is working away for another 4 weeks, but weekends I'll exercise at the gym, then when he's back for good I'll be there consistently! I'm trying to eat around 1000-1100 calories a day in order to lose 2lb a week, and I've managed to achieve that this week so am a bit pleased!! I already feel like my belly is slightly smaller!
I'm posting everything I eat on twitter so I can look back at my food diary when I eventually lose my weight (I'm @losingfortylbs).
Fingers crossed I can do this again as I threw all my bigger clothes out when I got back down to a size 810 so literally have hardly anything to wear! When I shed the lbs this time I'm GOING TO KEEP THEM OFF!!!!! I'd love to hear from some of you & how you're all getting on and what diets you're all following xxxx
Hi Hodgepodge,

Hope the calorie counting is going well, the title made me giggle! Hi i'm Laura and i'm overweight ha ha can you imagine if slimming meetings actually did that lol! I'm doing the slim and save diet at the moment and finding it quite straight forward now that i've got into it, it's not much fun but then no diet is and i have lots to loose and want to loose it fast for birthday do in about 11 weeks, yikes!! Good Luck!!!:D