hello ive been gong to s.world since march 08 and have lost 11lb so far but the last 4 wks i have lost 1/2 lb, then put it on, then lost it again, then put it back on AGAIN, now ive lost it this week ...what am i doing wrong:cry: HELP....
What does your swc say about it. Have you been sticking to plan 100% or have you been a wee bit flexible. I think it just depends on each persons body and how fast or slow they lose weight.
The same thing happened to my auntie and it turned out to be her thyroid. I'm not saying that this the same for you, however if you are not happy and are really trying hard and giving it your all and are still not losing more weight maybe you could ask your dr to check your bloods.
i might be having an extra heathly extra portion maybe or my portion of H.E maybe too big i will start weighing but you saying about my thyroid "Bettylollipop"i do take thyroxin for my thyroid being underactive so i could check to see if my levels have changed...thanks i must try harder xxx