Hello! I'm new hear

Lemons & Lime

New Member
Hey everyone!
Just thought I would introduce myself. I've been going on and off diets for about a year now. I initially lost a lot of weight in Jan/Feb/March 08- roughly 22 kilos by eating low carbs. Then I stopped for my exams and then I went travelling for 2 months and I was definately NOT going on a diet while in Malaysia and Thailand! Thankfully, I never put the weight back on but I am getting married soon. My fiances family are a traditional Asian family- even chubby is too fat so I'm going back on a diet to lose roughly 10 more kilos and get to my desired weight- and hopefully fit into some size 10 jeans!
Im on Atkins right now and I'm finding it difficult to go without carbs at all- so I am here for some support just in case I backslide.
Thanks, and I look forward to participating in this forum.

PS- Why can't I upload an avator? Do I have to be an established member?
Hi L&L we have met on the low carb threads.

Yes you do need to have posted 25 post's before you can post an avatar.