Hello im on CD BUT...


struggling its only my 3rd day. spent £43 on a weeks supply the products are just ok.

Ive had a look at slim and save is this plan the same as CD a VLCD? and the weight loss with the meal packs are the same too:confused:

I have 2 stones to lose

any help please

Becky x
All Vlcds have the same weight loss
Hi Becky

I swopped from CD two weeks ago and my losses have been the same. SS is much cheaper and tastier - I'm finding it so much easier to stick to :)

hey Becky!
the weight loss is the same Im doing CD and S&S alternate days....I prefer S&S cos you feel like your having proper food and dont feel so deprived
Your only on day 3 tho , it will get easier when ketosis sets in ..maybe tomorow x
Hi Becky

I swopped from CD two weeks ago and my losses have been the same. SS is much cheaper and tastier - I'm finding it so much easier to stick to :)

oh really :) what have u lost in 2 weeks? do u miss not having a CDC? well done x
I've lost 7 pounds in 3 weigh ins and that was with a sts on second one because of a weekend of plan! No I don't miss the CDC at all - all mine did was weigh, measure and sell me more packs... No counselling at all. I find that reading threads on here and doing my own diary to track my thoughts really helps though :)

I wont be going back to CD at all - SS is soooo much tastier :)

oh really :) what have u lost in 2 weeks? do u miss not having a CDC? well done x
In the last 2 weeks Iv lost 8+1/2lbs...which is pretty much same as I was losing purely on SS+...it does fluctuate on either....cos I have my hols in a few weeks I went back to my CDC cos I wasnt being as strict with myself not getting weighed in front of someone else and I thought well....an extra lb a week is like 1/2 stone before my hols that I could be cheating myself out of by going it alone on S+S...so I told my CDC I would do 4/5 days a week CD and the rest S+S.....just so I could go to her and get weighed lol...lovely as she is I wasnt texting her for support in the week , it was just weighing in I needed.
I only like the cappucino shake and apple porridge from CD so you can imagine it gets a bit hard to swallow after a while lol
After my holiday I am going to try and do just S&S till xmas , see how I go x
I've lost 7 pounds in 3 weigh ins and that was with a sts on second one because of a weekend of plan! No I don't miss the CDC at all - all mine did was weigh, measure and sell me more packs... No counselling at all. I find that reading threads on here and doing my own diary to track my thoughts really helps though :)

I wont be going back to CD at all - SS is soooo much tastier :)


Same here I was getting all my support on here too...I had just got it in my head this is what Im doing and that is that....but tbh lovely as my CDC is I think I would have found it realy annoying if she was txting me in the week to see how I was doing lol
This week Iv not enjoyed my CD days the packs are so crappy after you have had S&S arent they lol...BUT I havent been shoving bits of ham in my mouth every time I pass the fridge like I have been last few weeks so I guess its working for me knowing Im going to stand on the scales in front of someone friday;p
Well done on your losses x
Hi becky, I'm on day 28 of Cambridge and I'm seriously considering s and s. it looks a lot more manageable doesn't it?
I'm getting bored of the shakes now and cos I always feel cold I need something warm!
I'm may do a sample order tomorrow x
Hope you're ok x

(16lbs lighter in 4 weeks)
Hi all. I'm doing cd a the mo but want to switch to s and s. I ordered my sample packs today. The biggest factor for me is cost as every little helps but I think I will do better without a CDC 'watching over me'. My CDC has been away for a couple of weeks and I've stuck to the plan much better as she hasn't been texting me. It sounds weird but her texts were making me want to rebel like a child! :)
Love_Cupcakes said:
Hi all. I'm doing cd a the mo but want to switch to s and s. I ordered my sample packs today. The biggest factor for me is cost as every little helps but I think I will do better without a CDC 'watching over me'. My CDC has been away for a couple of weeks and I've stuck to the plan much better as she hasn't been texting me. It sounds weird but her texts were making me want to rebel like a child! :)

Not weird at all. If you look at Transactional Analysis therapy techniques you'll see that there are a number of ego states which you can be in - one of which is 'rebellious child' where you don't want to do what you've been told and another is 'adaptive child' where you do things you don't want to just to please other people. At the end of the day this is your journey and it needs to be right for you. If her texts make it harder for you just explain that to her in a calm way and ask her not to do it any more (that would be adult mode...). Alternatively move on to SnS.

You may find reading a TA book very helpful. I would suggest 'Losing Weight for Everyone the TA Way' by Frank Bruno (out of print but available second hand on Amazon UK) or 'The Overweight Patient' by Cathy Leach.
Hi becky, I'm on day 28 of Cambridge and I'm seriously considering s and s. it looks a lot more manageable doesn't it?
I'm getting bored of the shakes now and cos I always feel cold I need something warm!
I'm may do a sample order tomorrow x
Hope you're ok x

(16lbs lighter in 4 weeks)
Hello did u change over in the end? are the sames nicer? x

Good luck x
Hi Becky, I ordered my slim and save sample pack yesterday so I should get it Monday, I've enough cd products to last me
Until Wednesday so I'll start s n s on Thursday, I'm going to buy a decent set of scales and get my hubby to weigh me, I just need to sack my CDC now!!!

(16lbs lighter in 4 weeks)

If its any help when I "sacked" my CDC a couple of weeks ago to swop over to SS I just told her I was at risk of redundancy so could no longer afford to do CD so would be following my own plan from now on.

I know it was a white lie but truth was a couldn't really continue to afford CD until I got to goal and it was easier on both of us to tell a little fib rather than just tell her that in reality she brought nothing to my weight loss journey and I didn't need her help!!!

Ooooh, you sly devil!

Thanks, I'll think of something to say to her, she wasnt brilliant to be honest, I'm so determined I can do this by myself and get hubby to weigh and measure me each week x

Thank you x

(16lbs lighter in 4 weeks)