Hello! New member story!


New Member
Hello everyone! New on here although I have been using the site to find out pro-point values for restaurants on it for a few days.. Decided to finally take the plunge and actually post!

I immigrated to the UK in 2007 to be with my husband and quickly ballooned to the heaviest I had ever been. After a few years we wanted a baby, and had not been successful, so we went to see a specialist, and was diagnosed with PCOS. We decided to diet to increase our chances of conceiving, and started on Celebrity Slim. My husband and I drastically lost weight an I did fall pregnant. Unfortunately, I miscarried, and slumped into depression and flew back to Florida for a couple of weeks of R&R with my husband. I gorged myself on all the delicious food I had been missing since moving to England. Putting on a hefty amount of weight. Again I found myself at nearly 20 stone! After a few months we decided to try again and started a fertility diet. Fortunately I fell pregnant again and had a beautiful baby girl in June '10. When my daughter was 9 months old I decided enough was enough and weighing 18st13, went on a strict diet again, after loosing a stone it was shortly before my daughters first birthday and i discovered I was pregnant again. This time however i didn't use my pregnancy to gorge on what ever i wanted, and after giving birth to my second beautiful daughter 9 weeks ago i discovered i was 5lbs lighter then when i had become pregnant! Yay! So this was my motivation! It's now or never. My husband and I started weight watchers 6 weeks ago and have so far have had a combined loss of over 40lbs. We are finding it easy to work with, and really enjoy going to to the meeting weekly together. Now if only I could stop nibbling on my daughters snacks/meals she doesn't finish..