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New Member
Hello. I am Maria, I'm 20 years old, and I study Nursing.

I was never a thin girl. I was always chubby, since a baby. My dad and aunt and grandpa are all heavy, so I guess it runs in the family. In my mother's family though they are all normal looking. I got my dad's genes on that.
My sister and brother seem to took my mom's. Especially my sister! She's two years younger than me and gorgeous.

Anyway. There was this period in primary school when I was being mocked. I was't that fat now I think about it. I was just always taller than the other girls and I had bigger thighs. From waist up I was a normal weight ten year old. My mother started to worry because each year I needed bigger clothes. She talked to me every now and then that I had to watch what I eat so I wouldn't gain more weight. When I was 14 I weighted 165 pounds. Ironically, the weight I would give anything to have right now. But I didn't stop there.

I got into high school and it was hard. I had to prepare for the finals to get into uni and without many words I gained 100 pounds in four years. The good thing is that I found great friends who looked beyond my weight. My family did what she could to help me (gym, diets, long talks etc) but every single time, after losing five pounds I gave up and gained the double.

And then I passed into university and the change was huge, and once again I turned to food for comfort.
But I do want to look and feel better and healthier. Mainly because I don't want to see my family feeling bad about me. They are afraid I will face severe health issues in the future, and it's true- I will.

Also I'm pretty complicated, I face trust issues. I'm a pathological sceptic. I don't want to change anything inside me. I just want to be healthier and maybe more good looking. Everyone says I'm pretty but my prettiness hides below all those pounds.

So that's me. Congratulations on the awesome forum, and I hope I soon have great results to share with you!
Hi Maria :)
I've loved reading your thread!!! I can't imagine having to worry about my weight for as long as you have and you sound like a very strong person!!! I am not so strong and should be happy with how I look because I'm only a few stone over weight but u feel uncomfortable continuously! But that's about to change as just started Cambridge diet and feeling very confident!! Are you going to try a diet if so which one do you think?? Slimming world is good but I couldn't do that as have no will power!! X x