Hello there :)


will beat the bulge!!
Hi everyone, I am a newbie obviously :rolleyes:
I'm a failed yo-yo dieter and have started a new diet and fitness regime every new year for the past... 7 years since I had my daughter but haven't managed to lose more than a stone before giving up... willpower not being one of my strengths :sigh:
But this year I am determined as I have gained a stone every year for the past 4 years and I don't want this year to be the same. My sister is getting married in November 09 and I would love to be able to walk into that church wowing friends and family looking a million dollars and outshining my sister :D:8855: I'm joking ofcourse but it would be nice to be able to wear a lovely outfit and feel confident in it and not shy away from photographs because of the fact I can't bear to look at my self. So this year is the year and I need all the help and support I can get so thought I would join :D
Sorry for rambling on, I look forward to chatting to you all soon xx
Hiya and welcome to Minis :) Good luck on your weight loss journey xx
hi hun and welcome good luck xx
Thanx for the welcome :) I'm making myself at home now and liking it on here :)
Welcome to our community mrs.jk :D:D:D

Glad you are feeling at home with us :)
Thanx Irene, I started ww today am doing it from home as I still have all my old books etc so I started point counting today altho been dieting since the 2nd :) I have had a poke around the ww forum and would love to become a member of one of your teams :)
:wavey: welcome to the board