

Silver Member
I'm not sure if anyone is still here but I used this forum
LaSt summer but after starting university got so caught up with work and revision and placement and fell so far away from the wagon.

I lost about 3 stone if I remember correctly last year, but weighing myself after christmas I've put on a stone now.

I'm just debating to start the diet again but I don't know how disciplined I will be, I think I'll need a lot of support :cry:
Welcome back!

Stop debating and get ordering the food packs :D

You know it works as you have done it before, and think how great you will feel in a few months when you are a couple of stone lighter.

Also, remember last year when we had a mini heat wave at Easter and everyone was in their shorts. Everyone thinks ahead to summer but we often get a warm spell in spring. If we get the same this year you could be 2/3 stone lighter by then if you start now and feel fab when you get your legs out :D
Welcome back chaz :D
You know ya wanna join us all again :p