Hello :)


New Member

My names's Nikki. Started lipotrim on friday (30th march). Not finding it too bad, not really been hungry and the headache's & small nervous breakdown i seemed to suffer in the first few days has now passed *fingers crossed* ha. Struggling to drink so much water!!! i drink water normally but i think so much water on top of a belly full of nothing gets a bit depressing! Anyway i do feel slightly trimmer already so looking forward to my weigh in day on thursday! Sure it's not always going to be so easy, & as i said i was close to killing or eating someone over the first few days and felt like i was gonna have a nervous breakdown! but reading everyone's amazing losses is very inspiring!

Lots of love, Nikki xxx

cw/hw = 95kgs (14st 13lbs)

Hi there and welcome!

Good luck for your weigh in on Thursday, I'm sure you'll get a good result!

You'll get lots of help and support on here so stick around :)
Thanks hun! I'm nervous but exited at the same time lol but sure it will be ok, I'm feeling better in myself so i know i've lost something ... i hope! ha.

Yeah seems to be lots of people on here who have had amazing losses and know loads so defiantly helpful and inspiring.

Good luck with slimming world, looks like you're doing fab!
