My names's Nikki. Started lipotrim on friday (30th march). Not finding it too bad, not really been hungry and the headache's & small nervous breakdown i seemed to suffer in the first few days has now passed *fingers crossed* ha. Struggling to drink so much water!!! i drink water normally but i think so much water on top of a belly full of nothing gets a bit depressing! Anyway i do feel slightly trimmer already so looking forward to my weigh in day on thursday! Sure it's not always going to be so easy, & as i said i was close to killing or eating someone over the first few days and felt like i was gonna have a nervous breakdown! but reading everyone's amazing losses is very inspiring!
Lots of love, Nikki xxx
cw/hw = 95kgs (14st 13lbs)
My names's Nikki. Started lipotrim on friday (30th march). Not finding it too bad, not really been hungry and the headache's & small nervous breakdown i seemed to suffer in the first few days has now passed *fingers crossed* ha. Struggling to drink so much water!!! i drink water normally but i think so much water on top of a belly full of nothing gets a bit depressing! Anyway i do feel slightly trimmer already so looking forward to my weigh in day on thursday! Sure it's not always going to be so easy, & as i said i was close to killing or eating someone over the first few days and felt like i was gonna have a nervous breakdown! but reading everyone's amazing losses is very inspiring!
Lots of love, Nikki xxx
cw/hw = 95kgs (14st 13lbs)