

New Member
Hi All, not sure what to write... I lost a shed load of weight a few years back was on the Cambridge diet went from 18 Stones to 13.5 and got the accepted 1/2 stone back when I finished the diet. My weight stayed between 14 and 14 1/2 for two years. recently it went out of control my fault stopped watching what I was eating and a trapped nerve stopped me exercise (seeing doctor tomorrow) was 15 stone 8 lbs 2 started Exante diet on Tuesday 5th June weighed myself on Monday 11 June and had lost 2lb short of 5Lbs was expecting at least 7-8lbs so a bit disappointed. I have also just obtained some slim n save and was thinking about mixing the two diets. not sure
Hi there, welcome to Minimins :)

Well done on your weight loss previously, you know you can do it so keep up the good work - you may find you get a bigger loss next week so try not to be disappointed.

Hopefully the Dr will be able to help with the trapped nerve and you can get back to exercising, good luck!
Hi thanks for the responce dont really get much time to get on here weighed myself today am finally in my 14 stone range, lost a further 4lbs now weigh 14stone 13lbs 4. resisted temptation so far have untill July 16 to loose more then a break for a month to see if I can change my eating habits before I try again. Doctors didnt go well still cant excercise been given big dosage iburofen tablets and they will send me to physio when they can get me in but there is a waiting list :sigh: