Hello :)


New Member
Hello from Sunny Lancashire.

Thought I would introduce myself properly.

I'm currently extremely overweight, and have just started the Exante Total Solution. I have tried things like this in the past, but didn't know this site existed so had very little / no support. I have basically been told by my Dr that I have to get my weight down partially due to it being very high at the moment (25st). Bear in mind that I am 6ft 6in, and everywhere I check says i need to lose 12st to be in my ideal weight zone. Wondering what sort of success people have had on this diet. This is basically my last chance before I consider any surgery. As much as I like anaesthesia, i really don't want to have to do that.

See you all around.

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Welcome MoonHorse:welcome2:

Exante is a very good diet and a quick way of losing weight and at your height of 6' 6" I would expect you to see very quick results.

The BMI is not an exact science so I would not worry too much about it and instead focus on losing weight and getting fit and healthy and as you near your goal weight you will know yourself where you want to stop.

If you start a diary in the Exante forum it will help you keep your focus and give other members a place to pop in and say hello.

Here is the link to the Exante forum below, just click on it and it will bring you there and be sure to say hello and introduce yourself just in case this miss this thread.


Exante Diaries

If you need any help be sure to ask:)