Hey there Ladies and Gents, I normally post on the Cambridge forum but yesterday I had to switch to Atkins, I will give you a bit of background info as to why...My husband is in the Royal Air Force and we are currently stationed in Northern Ireland, the events of the last few days have made it a little uncomfortable to travel round the province, my CDC is about 50 minutes away through some less than pleasant areas and hubby has said he isn't prepared to travel to her for the next few weeks until things (hopefully) calm down a little here (I wholeheartedly agree with him). So here I am, I started Atkins yesterday and am hoping I will stay in Ketosis, when I tested this morning I had so i guess thats a good sign, what I am wanting to know is should I expect any weight gain when first starting as my body adjusts? how big/small should my portion sizes be? has anyone passed between the two and stayed in ketosis?? this is esp important to me as I felt very ill getting into ketosis and don't want to have to go through it again. Also will my weight loss be as good on Atkins (am averaging about 1pound every other day after 5 wks on CD)I'm sorry this is a long post but i've been so confident with CD that it's really thrown me to have to come of it...thanks for your time, Becky xx