Help/Advice please.

I have managed to stick to TS for a week now. Once I started it was much easier than I thought (Though my social life has gone down the drain!!!) and I'm now finding I'm not hungry at all. In fact I'm finding it more and more difficult to actually have three packs a day. Yesterday I only manged one and today I'm struggling again.
Has anyone else had this problem and how did you manage to overcome it. I'm getting worried as I know that having so few calories and lack of nutrients will do me no good. :(
On a positive note I had my first weigh-in this morning and I've lost 9lbs. Whoop whoop.
This can be a symom of not drinking enough water. I really need to focus on how much water a day I am drinking because its really easy not to drink enough.
Hey, been reading up alot on the Exante Diet and i'm wanting to give it a go. Just wondering if you would'nt mind telling me what you bought? Whether its the bumper pack etc...? And do you go and get your blood pressure checked?
Congrats on the weight loss!
Thanks Dawnyb, I'll give that a try tomorrow. See how I go.
Dynamic1. I feel as though I have been drinking enough water but will keep an eye on it. Thank you both for your advice.
Amyzalk I bought the bumper pack. The variety is good and I think I'm one of the lucky ones because I quite like all of the packs. I didn't have my blood pressure taken. Good luck with your journey. The pounds will drop off if you stick with it.
Hey! I've just restarted TS after losing 2 stones last year. I remember after my 2nd week I was in the exact same position and struggled to have more then 2 packs a day! I found the milkshakes the easiest to have as they can be gulped down quickly. The soup and bar were much harder to eat. All I would say is just try your hardest get 3 packs into ur day it is really important.
I've had a couple of days like that, usually when busy. Set an alarm on your phone for breakfast, lunch and dinner just like you might do if you had tablets to take, then just steel yourself and have them. Although you feel good as a side effect of ketosis, you are risking getting clumsy/forgetful/distracted which can be dangerous, especially if driving. Sometimes the only reason I remember a shake is I suddenly realise how ditzy I've just become, and I try to avoid letting it get that far. I always ensure I have 2 meals at work, otherwise by the time I've got home & relaxed a bit, watched telly etc I find I only have time to fit one meal in. You owe it to your body to lose weight healthily.What is it about the packs that you have trouble with? Some tactics can be making them up more dilute (I often have my meals with 8-900ml), having shakes hot, adding seasoning to soups, adding coffee to vanilla & peppermint tea to chocolate.
Thanks for the advice Evil Weevil, I'll put some of it into practice. I actually quite enjoy the taste of the shakes/bars but I feel sick at the thought of having them. I know that doesn't really make sense!! I have managed two today and plan to go to bed with a cup of soup. I'll keep trying to force down the three.
I agree with you Dev. Much easier to get the shakes down. A couple of quick gulps and it's gone.
Thanks again to you all.