Help help help

Ela ine

Likes to post, and eat.
Arghhhhhhhh help help help! I've just ate three crab sticks! Eeeeeek will this have completely knocked me off track?

I have otherwise been 100% (3 packs and 100g protein) for three days.
Going to bed now so I can't eat .... Feel terrible! I know if ANYTHING I should have reached for the chicken but eeeek crab sticks :-(

Hope I haven't ruined my efforts - again.
It's always say 3-5 that get me :-(

I'm so cold and shakey with a horrid horrid head ache I just wanted some food :-(

Feel so guilty like I've cheated myself :-(
Crab sticks are mainly protein are they not? In terms of ketosis I really doubt you've done much harm. Get a good nights sleep, that'll make you feel better :)
Nah you'll be fine hun!!! Dont worry about it.... just carry on and dont let it throw you!!! X