Help im sturggerling! X

Help, I no what I have to do and I really Want to do it I have lost a total of 3stone 1and a half pounds in 8 weeks and I no that's amazing so why isn't that spurring me on! I have eaten a few times in the past couple of weeks nothing massive but still. I don't no what's wrong with me I want nothing more than to look in the mirror and be happy with what I see so why can't I do this 100% when I no it works!!!! Xx
Heya, first of all congratulations on your amazing weight loss so far, that's fantastic! have you managed to note down sort of times or things that are going on when you've eaten the few things you have? Or is it in certain situations or certain trigger foods? It might be helpful to see if there are any patterns, so that next time the situation comes up you can be aware of it, and go have a bath or call a friend or go for a walk instead?xxx