
I'm on day twelve and today has been a nightmare!!! I am physically sick with hunger and I have been 100 percent from day one and just wondering has anyone else experienced this I was great yesterday...

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The second time I did lipo I was starving all the way up to day 14 and I gave in biggest mistake I ever made hence the reason I'm back here back to square one! After giving in on day 14 I had to spoonfuls of food and realised I was bloated jus after that,so I wasn't really Hungary at all..I'm struggling at the mo but I'm only on day 3..drink more water and maybe 2morrow will be a better day nothing is worth giving in good luck and hope u feel better 2morrow :)
Try to keep busy .... have a bath, go for a walk or have something to drink. You probably aren't hungry at all like Elle said - you probably just miss eating. Try to replace it with something else. I felt a bit wobbly today but just shook myself down and really thought about why I'm doing this. I'm sure you'll be fine :)
Thanks Ellie, I just had my last shake of the day and intend to head to bed once the soaps are over!! I have no intention of giving up yet especially after seeing all the great results from everyone else.. This site is a life saver well it's saving me from the fridge x

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