Help :(


Full Member
Im struggling to find a way forward, been maintaining while calorie counting for weeks, exercising like mad but can't seem to budge. Felt totally down hearted and spent the last 3 days eating rubbish. Not sure if I should try ww or sw again to give me some structure, can any one give me some advice :'(
carb free for a few weeks it should help, dont get me wrong ...its borrriiiinnngggg but it will shift a few pounds but just be careful when introducing carbs again, if u go nuts you will just put it back on
lower your daily calories slightly to see if it helps? but dont give up on the exercise it usually takes 2 or 3 weeks then it starts dropping off i know its really disheartening and frustrating when you deserve to lose weight but its not happening but it will, what sort of things do you eat? too much of one thing could be holding you back or not enough high fibre wholefoods, they say your plate should be roughly

1 quarter
Starchy carbohydrates
  • Whole wheat pasta
  • Brown rice
  • Wholemeal bread
  • Potatoes
1 quarter

  • Lean beef
  • Lean poultry (e.g chicken breast)
  • Fish
  • Pulses
  • Tofu
And 1 half

  • Green beans
  • Carrots
  • Aubergine
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Salad
And try not to eat anything other than lean protein or veg after 6pm when youre not going to be burning it off.

Also dont beat yourself up about eating rubbish for a few days it can sometimes help to just get it out of your system and can boost metabolic rate.

Hope it sorts itself out sweetie

Ah thanks for this :) sometimes it just takes someone to spell things out to you to get you back in the swing. I'm a really healthy eater 'most' of the time, don't eat any white pasta, bread etc love fruit and veg but cant stand salad, my problem is my sweet tooth and my portion sizes, I can eat with the biggest blokes and still not be full!

Normal day can be:

Breakfast: Porridge with fruit

More fruit or oatcakes mid morning

Lunch: soup or stir fry or veg sticks and houmous

Still hungry in afternoon, maybe oatcakes or biscuit of some description for my sweet craving

Dinner: chicken or salmon with roasted veg

I know I could survive on a lot less food, but I have to crack my food addiction if I'm honest, I obsess about diets and food etc

xxxxx :)
crabs is what ur body runs on...oce you ower them your body will use ur stored fat for energy, you wont feel as energetic because its not ur normal fuel source but thats how ur body burns it :)