Help :(((


New Member
Hi guys, I'm a newbie and today is the first day of week 2 which happens to be a down day. I am so hungry today, I think partly due to over exertion. I am so close to chucking in the towel but I don't want too. How do you all keep motivated? Love smartie1 xx
And make sure u have good friends around u to encourage and support u, I'm struggling today to and mine us also a down day and must admit I've not had enough water at all, and just remember Tom is an up day lol x
Thank you mel, it's helps you being my BFF and in the same boat lol. Am struggling today though but like you say tomorrow is an UD and the water drinking has defo helped dreamingmaid so thank you :)))) x
I always find a cup of tea/coffee really helps, thats why I keep so many cals for my skimmed milk allowance on a DD, even if yopu didn't have any cals left and you are still struggling after water I would recommend using a few extra cals and have a warming cup of tea /coffee works wonders for me x