Here I go again!


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm delighted to have found this site.

10 years ago I lost over 3 stone with WW, I've kept most of it off, had 2 babies, went up a bit after having them but lost it again. I got my WW gold card last year but in recent months the weight's been creeping up again. I've been doing a lot of eating on the go due to rushing around after a sick family member and as a result not planning my food and having to rely on eating out or take aways. Time for ActionMam to take Action!

I've signed up for SW online as I don't have time to commit to meetings and thought I'd like to try something different. I joined up 2 weeks ago but there have been a lot of meals out and family events so I haven't really got into it yet.

I'm looking forward to getting stuck in properly now, getting rid of the extra lbs and chatting to all of you here.
Hi there and welcome :)

Well done for signing up online, I'm sure you'll find it really useful with you not being able to go to classes.

Just jump on in and join us on here, we're a really friendly bunch - good luck!