Hello there I am a yoyo dieter, not afraid to say it! over the past 13 years of my life I have been on some kind of diet!!! You name it weight watchers to akins to extreme diets such as cambridge and lighter life! One thing always draws me back to this website! The kind words and encouragement of those who are going through the exact same thing! This website Is amazing and you can scroll through reading post knowing how difficult it is to diet! and understand how others are feeling.
I am starting Slimming world for the umtenth time and yes I mean it this time when I say this will be the last time and I will stick at it! I would apriciate any helpful posts to help me along and in return I hope to help you guys on this journey.
I will be joining slimming world on Monday and Have already done my weekly shop in prepration! lots of pasta, rice, fruit, and veg being a veggie i only do the green days.
I will a regular customer on here for advise and to hopefully return the faour.
many thanks for viewing my page.
I am starting Slimming world for the umtenth time and yes I mean it this time when I say this will be the last time and I will stick at it! I would apriciate any helpful posts to help me along and in return I hope to help you guys on this journey.
I will be joining slimming world on Monday and Have already done my weekly shop in prepration! lots of pasta, rice, fruit, and veg being a veggie i only do the green days.
I will a regular customer on here for advise and to hopefully return the faour.
many thanks for viewing my page.