Hex Bs Help Please

Yes, you can have a sachet of plain oatsosimple (with or without a scan bran!) as a B choice.
You can also have 2 weetabix, 28g bran flakes, 42g all bran and many many more.
I normally have a different breakfast every day:

2 weetabix
28g porridge oats and 1 scan bran soaked overnight with ff yogurt/fromage frais
42 g all bran
28g shreddies
pudding rice boiled in water with yogurt and fruit (free on green or EE)
boiled eggs with2 slices brown bread from 400g loaf
I think it stops you getting bored or your body getting used to just one HEB

Hope that helps, jude x
thanks Jude

Yeah it's a great help as I start to get stuck with eating the same things.

Does anyone know the syns for jordans four nut combo as I don't think this will be a HEX B (maybe wrong)

Kerry x