HExA - can't find the answer anywhere! Pls help!


Gold Member
Hello miniminners,

I have been searching this forum (I can never seem to find anything using the search function!) but can't find this out!

I have had to change from green to EE today as I didn't plan my evening meal properly and brought a pasta lunch with me (which had meat and cheese in it!!). I pre-made the pasta dish - it has one hex a and one hex b in on a green day....so the amounts are all measured properly.

I have used the meat and pasta as free. However, I have already had a HexA with my breakfast this morning so I need to syn the cheese.

Does anyone know how many syns a HexA woulde be? I know HexB = 6 syns....is it the same?

Thanks to anyone who can help

Jezzie that's great!! Well done for keeping at it! Catloversue has hit her target now but the rest of us are not there yet.

we have lost a few regulars and gained a couple. Rod is very quiet these days - as is smiley so it's a bit of a different feel now us girls are running the show :)

Once you feel more confident then make sure you come back - or pop in and say hi. I'm sure everyone would love to hear you are doing so well xx