Hey :)


New Member
Hey folks :)

Well as you can tell I'm new here, my names Jenn, 22 and live in Scotland.
Back on the diet wagon (again) but I seem to have the willpower to do it this time round! At the moment I'm at my heaviest I've ever been 20st I'm aiming for 14st at the moment and we'll see from there!

Not doing any diet in particular just cutting down and started counting calories with the aid of My Fitness Pal. Lost 1.6lbs last week when I started the diet but it's a start!
Hi Jenn. I'm also new to this, looking the look of it so far.....
Well done on your 1.6lbs. Google 1lb of lard - you'll never be disappointed by a half/pound loss again. I have a couple of friends who have used my fitness pal and done very well with it!! I'm a long term weight watcher. I drift in and out of the plan as I need it. The most I ever lost was 6 stone but I've sadly gained about 20lbs of that back through being a bit lazy with my eating and exercise after my son was born 18 mths ago. I'm now bk following ww although I'm not attending meetings this time.

Good luck with your journey. Hopefully we will bump into each other at some point on here :)