This is my first post here, although I have lurked and read quite a few diaries and threads.
I am currently nearly 30 weeks pregnant with my first (due 29th August).
Throughout the whole of my pregnancy I haven't really watched what I ate. I was 10st when I conceived, which was 1 1/2 stone away from where I wanted to be. I am currently about 12 stone, although I haven't weighed myself for about a week or so.
In the past I have done slimming world, with really good success and I was going to restart in the new year, before I knew I was pregnant. Once I fell, I wasn't sure if I could rejoin (I use online) so I didn't and to be honest I didn't really think anymore about it. I piled on tons of weight in the first trimester. My midwife wasn't concerned but I was! It settled down during the 2nd trimester and now I'm in the 3rd I'm not really sure what it will do! I have been super lucky and had no pregnancy problems at all, it has been super smooth for me.
Do you think it would be appropriate to start using slimming world now (I have got all the books, so can go it alone until 6 weeks after the birth when I can rejoin online)? I don't want to gain much more weight, and obviously the better I eat now the easier it will be to lose the baby weight after the birth.
Also, do I need to have any extra's in my diet. I have read that there is the need to up the healthy extras whilst breastfeeding and I understand that, but should I add anything now?
Thanks for any advice and tips!