Nice one! Smashin the early morning runs! I wish I was that good haha :thumbup: ive started a bootcamp and metafit thing twice a week and running (well jogging im a 1mile at a slow pace girl lol) in between! I keep intending to do my 30 day shred before work but I just love my snooze button too much haha x
I have to drag myself out of bed to do it lol get a lie in tomorrow as its my day off otherwise usually up at 5:45 and running by 6am, tomorrow ill be out the door at 7 instead. Then redecorating the bedroom to surprise the missus
Meant to have a body pump class with my cousin tomorrow night as well, think ill be in some pain on Wednesday haha
Cripes 6am ur on a mission thats ace! Ahhh how sweet is that?! Plus you'll have a workout with the roller or paintbrush AND earn man points doing it...boom! is ur missus into fitness? Im trying to get my hubby into running but he's just not into it. We joined the gym but he never came! Wish he did because I think its a nice way to spend time together! when we first got together 7 yrs ago he was well into exercise, I wasn't that fussed but now its the other way round lol!!
Haha its always the way! I know he manages to look good in medium tops wether he's 13 stone or 14.7! Lol me I look at a choc bar me size 12s feel tight ha! Good luck on the weight loss dude report back next week!!