Hi Everyone


New Member
Hi All,

My name is Emma and I'm 33 and I'm a chocoholic!! :break_diet:

I've just rejoined SW after a 4 year break. In 2008 I managed to lose over 2st with SW. In 2009 I had my 2nd daughter and left. I kept the weight off quite successfully until last year. I got married in July and afterwards began eating the same old junk that I did before. I managed to gain 2st in just 8 months. The death of a friend from a sudden heart attack made me have a long hard look at life - I want to be around for my girls as they grow up.

So here I am, back at Slimming World and trying my damnest to avoid the chocolate aisle in the supermarket!! ;)

Muchos Love,

Emma :D

Hi Emma, welcome to the forum!

Well done on losing weight on SW previously, you know it works and that you can do it so just go for it!

Look forward to seeing your around the forum :)