Hi MiniMins (Slimming world)


Full Member
Hi all Just wanted to say hello! :wavey:
I started slimming world about 6 weeks ago. So far i'm not doing bad its just going a bit slow so i'm hoping to get a few more tips on here.

Hi there and welcome!

It looks like from your stats you've lost 10lbs already so that's great - keep up the good work!
Don't be disheartened, when i'm in group many people lose slowly and even though i have lost quite quickly i think losing slowly is best! Try and eat plenty of superfree foods they really work (for me anyway) especially berries :) and possibly stay away from too many bananas but thats jsut what works for me ... also i have found some people do better on green than extra easy so possible a thought... hope this helps x
Also while i remember just doing even a 30min walk each day can really help to burn some more of those stubborn calories! I sometimes really dont want to exercise but once im out there i feel good and motivated :D
Thanks BlondeGem :) i need the encouragement! I've been trying really hard this week and have now lost another 5Ib at weigh in today!!

I have been trying to do some body magic but its just the motivation to start but i am just like you Futuredoc in that once i start i really like it. I'm gonna start cycling a bit too. Thanks for your tips xx
Congrats on you're weight loss so far. My tips would be make sure you use your syns, superfree as much as you can and enjoy it, adding stress doesn't help, if anything your body hold onto weight in times of stress. Good luck and hope to see you around the boards.
Hi. New to this forum at well as slimmingworld! Have started green days and not finding it too tough but post Easter chocolate cravings are a bit challenging. At 9st 13 after putting on three of the five pounds i lost through zumba. Hopefully i will see results soon! Well done all of you! Great motivation x x x x
Thanks for the encouragement BlondGem, ellen83, IreneH and dollydcosta! i really really appreciate the support. I've not been on in a while coz i took a bit of a nose dive and maintained then gained :( but i'm getting back on the wagon this week it's important to me that i loose this week so i'm going to be extra good.

.....Just need to go find my halo!