Hi my names Lyric and im a compulsive eater!!


DAY 1 13st 12lb
After doing LL and losing a whooping 4st and feeling great and worthy and attractive and confident, how just HOW! have i let my weight creep up again. why sabotage myself and tell myself that I deserve to eat. I really cant understand my own mentality????? It confusses the hell out of me,If I feel so crap being big so big then why binge eat, why reward every emotion with food? Why start a diet on a Monday so that I can compulsivley eat all weekend only to break the "diet " by Wednesday only to compulively overeat for the rest of the week cause im gonna be "dieting" come Monday morning.
And why do I instead of cutting back when clothes start to get tight do I just get a bigger size?
Im just so frustrated that I do this to myself!
Sorry to chew your ear off
Because you are human Lyric! :) So don't beat yourself up about it, accept that you are that way and move on, if you try and analyse yourself too much you will end up in a spiral.

You have done it before, you can lose it again, and this time you have to just make better decisions along the way.

I can only second what Mike has said Lyric, it's because you are human. The good thing is that you've come back to do something about it rather than just put more and more weight on .... you've done this before and you know that you can do it again.

Im going to london tomorrow and using any excuse to come off my CD. Kids have to eat, i might be grumpy or dizzy etc etc

I know exactly where you are coming from I lost nearly 11 stone counting calories. Where am I a few years later - nearly 11 stone heavier. I can not believe it either, I was so happy to get to goal and was never going to be over weight again, as soon as I put on half a stone I will tackle it I said. Except it was then Christmas, so I'll start in the new year. Oh no, new job, I'll wait til I'm settled. The list went on.
I'm struggling on CD, having restarted a few times.
Sorry I'm not full of words of wisdom for you, just wanted to let you know that you're not alone in having feelings like these.
Sorry I hit submit button too soon!

I think the problem is it is very easy to put on weight and bloody hard work to lose it.
However Mike is right, you and I now have the wisdom to know that next time we WILL make sure we keep it off (just got to get there first!!)
Good luck with your new start.
Thanks, Ive just read the 50 reasons on another thread, trying to regain some inspiration.
I know i can do this diet but there always seems to be an unavoidable excuse, my mind tries to trick me and i know that i just cant understand why im so hell bent on being fat when thin felt soooooooooooo good.
:wavey: Hi Lyric,

most of us have been there one way or another.

I too have lost weight, been chuffed to pieces only to put it on down the line. then get into constant state of loosing the same weight and never feel achieving anything. Hence various size clothes in most peoples wardrobes.

Whatever the reason you put the weight back on, you are here now and just make sure you see it through till the end and beyond

Good Luck, keep posting so we know how you get on

Tell me about it! I find all the excuses to put off starting Cambridge. Started last Monday, then along came Easter, just have a bit, oh oh, blown it now so may as well have some more. Started again this monday, same again, now have told myself there is no point starting this week as kids are off, hubby is home, having days out, can't keep popping to the loo on long car journeys, feel I am missing out on ice cream etc, so will definately start again on Monday! I have been saying this since the beginning of June last year. What am I like!!:rolleyes:
Snap, im just gonna take one day, no one hour, no thinking of doing it just for now!

Great idea.

Losing the habit of turning to food for all sorts of reasons - including genuine hunger - can take a long time.

Every day you don't binge once/twice, every day you slip but don't binge, every day you make it through according to plan, is a mini-battle, WON.

As others have said, think of the bigger picture, and go easy on yourself. Eventually you will make it.
no words of wisdom from me, just wanted to say you've come to the right place!

We all do what we can to support each other on here, you'll never be judged.

Best of luck with the cd start!
