Hi My names Stacey & I'm a Foodaholic...


New Member
I'm just another statistic, a 21 year old student who ate too many takeaways at university due to laziness (and of course the extreme goodness of takeaways). Adding to this I'm a girl who got too comfortable in her 5 year relationship, to find, when it ended I'd gained nearly 2 stone!

I've done WW before an managed to lose over a stone. But recently I've started WW and stopped so many times, I thought maybe writing everything down and how I was feeling would be beneficial.

This week is my first week (I started on Monday) and already, today, I think my TV is mocking me! Lindt chocolate advert, followed by Pizza Huts "two for Tuesdays' advert, then followed by a Mc Donalds advert....really?!

OK let me get to the point of telling you what I ate!

Honey Cheerios 30g - 3PP
Skimmed Milk - 1PP

Spagetti pasta 30g - 4PP
Half a jar of WW Garlic pasta sauce - 2PP
20g of LowLow cheese spread - 1PP
Asda Garlic & Cheese Kiev - 9PP


Grapes - 0PP

Bernard Mathews turkey steak - 4PP
2 slices of WW bread - 2PP
LowLow sliced cheese - 1PP
1 potato waffle - 3PP

30/29PP (accidently went over by 1 point!)

Starting weight - 11st 9.6lbs
Welcome and good luck. This is a good support forum. Look forward to watching your journey . onwards and downwards nuttyx
Your thread title made me laugh !

I am still in a relationship where I am too comfortable, and have gained around 4 stone, so I know what thats like!

Take ya extra point off your 49 points, and eat more fruit and veg!!!

are you a fan or carbs by any chance ? lol

Best of luck!
Lisa x
Hi Stacey , good to have you here with all us foodaholics. :D. Ihope youenjoy the site. I have found it great support . Its like my own personal WW class thats in the corner of my kitchen every day.I can chat and moan and get advice whenever I like and even try to motivate others if I can. :)

Your pointing looks great but agree with cobra that you need some more fruit and veg. Fruit is FREE on PP and the veg fills you up .I always find the week I do "proper" dinners with veg ,I loose more ???? .

Best of luck with your first week . Keep us updated as to how you are getting on!!

P.s Turn off the television !!!
The TV isn't mocking you - did you have chocolate, pizza hut and then McD's? No, so it is showing you how strong you are so you should be laughing along with it!!
I am also a foodaholic. I eat if I am happy, sad, stressed, calm, excited, bored........just generally if i am breathing I want to be eating!
How is today going?
Thanks guys for such positive support! :)

Yes Cobra I am a big whore for carbs lol, its something I find needing with every meal as a side (because, heres a shocker, I don't like any salad! :() so I struggle with healthy options as sides! Any suggestions??

twinmum07 I'm the same! Me & my friend (also doing WW with me) say nothing else gets us as excited as food does! Its crazy! But we have come up with a brilliant system of using whatsapp (an instant messenger on iPhones for any of you who haven't heard of it) to send pictures of everything we eat to each other to stop the temptation of eating bad! Seems to be working so far (fingers crossed).


Honey Cheerios 30g - 3PP
Skimmed Milk - 1PP

Moma banana & strawberry porridge & yogurt pot - 8PP

Spagetti pasta - 4PP
Tomato puree - 0PP
Turkey Mince 110g - 5PP
1/4 of low fat Dolmio sauce - 2PP

Half a KitKat Chunky - 4PP (disappointed myself here)
Grapes - 0PP

TOTAL: 27/29PP

Starting weight: 11st 9.6lbs
I am a carb junkie also, and the only thing I can say is this!

It takes roughly 14 tries of a new food to get used to it, so im not a lover at all of cauliflower, but for the last 8 weeks I have been eating it, just small amounts at a time, and it was yuk, but I did get used to it, not very tasty IMO, but it fills a gap, and if that gap is filled then I am less likely to want to snack on naughty foods !

how about if you were to have a sauce with the veg ? I will have parsley sauce with veg sometimes, and for 1 point, for 50 ml, it makes it taste that little bit nicer!

Lisa x