I made the decision at the beginning of March to lose 5 stone. i was sick and tired of not being able to buy the clothes I want and my shoe cupboards are getting rather full as I tend to buy these as this is one size that doesn't change !
I'm trying Exante for the first time - today is day 5 and although I've had a couple of tough days (being totm) I'm sticking with it, although I have already ruled out the mushroom soup bleeuughh.
It's nice to take a wander through the forums and see so many successes - I hope I'm still here in a few months time, proudly showing a huge weight loss.
Bye for now
I'm trying Exante for the first time - today is day 5 and although I've had a couple of tough days (being totm) I'm sticking with it, although I have already ruled out the mushroom soup bleeuughh.
It's nice to take a wander through the forums and see so many successes - I hope I'm still here in a few months time, proudly showing a huge weight loss.
Bye for now