Hi all, I just want to apologise before I start rambling, I just have a need to write to keep me on the straight and narrow. Well, here I am at Day 10, didnt think Id make it to Day 2, but I think something clicked with me this time i.e. Im 37 in July and if I dont get rid of this weight for once and for all, Im looking at a very Fat forty, the thought of being fat at 40 kinda motivates me to be rid of the splodge for once and for all.
I hadnt a bad day, but was a bit spaced out at 4 when I came from work as Id had only one shake at half eight in the morning before that. This diet has really made me reflect on my eating habits and the reasons I overate i.e. HIGHLY EMOTIONAL. Well, my goddamn emotions are not getting the better of me this time. Ive started a journal to log down all the times I feel like stuffing my face and am more vulnerable, big realisation for me is that its just after I get in from work. Before id have stuffed my face with anything fattening from the fridge , not even thinking about it. Now that food is gone, ive realised stress of day at work was makng me a glutton. Amazing the realisations we make on this. For me, Its like a dose of counselling as well because Im able to face up to my feelings now without stuffing them down with food. No exaggeration, I feel Im getting stronger and stronger on this evewryday, Its making me realise I can achieve and Im not a failure.
I hope other people find this and even though its hard its well worth it for self examining and facing up to the issues in your life which often causes us to overeat in the first place.
I think a lot of people who are overweight are sensitive softhearted (not weak) people who have such big hearts that they are sensitive to many things around them and turn to food for comfort from these feelings. Maybe its just me and I dont want to stereotype but most overweight people Ive met are some of the kindest, funniest, decent people I know. So people, come on realise how great you are, what a decent human being you are and for once and for all give ourselves a break. WE DESERVE THIS, WE DESERVE HAPPINESS, WE DESERVE TO WEAR BEAUTIFUL CLOTHES, WE DESERVE TO BE COUNTED AS BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE (WHICH WE ARE), WE DESERVE HAPPINESS.

I hadnt a bad day, but was a bit spaced out at 4 when I came from work as Id had only one shake at half eight in the morning before that. This diet has really made me reflect on my eating habits and the reasons I overate i.e. HIGHLY EMOTIONAL. Well, my goddamn emotions are not getting the better of me this time. Ive started a journal to log down all the times I feel like stuffing my face and am more vulnerable, big realisation for me is that its just after I get in from work. Before id have stuffed my face with anything fattening from the fridge , not even thinking about it. Now that food is gone, ive realised stress of day at work was makng me a glutton. Amazing the realisations we make on this. For me, Its like a dose of counselling as well because Im able to face up to my feelings now without stuffing them down with food. No exaggeration, I feel Im getting stronger and stronger on this evewryday, Its making me realise I can achieve and Im not a failure.
I hope other people find this and even though its hard its well worth it for self examining and facing up to the issues in your life which often causes us to overeat in the first place.
I think a lot of people who are overweight are sensitive softhearted (not weak) people who have such big hearts that they are sensitive to many things around them and turn to food for comfort from these feelings. Maybe its just me and I dont want to stereotype but most overweight people Ive met are some of the kindest, funniest, decent people I know. So people, come on realise how great you are, what a decent human being you are and for once and for all give ourselves a break. WE DESERVE THIS, WE DESERVE HAPPINESS, WE DESERVE TO WEAR BEAUTIFUL CLOTHES, WE DESERVE TO BE COUNTED AS BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE (WHICH WE ARE), WE DESERVE HAPPINESS.