

Hi everyone:wavey:

My name is Jan and I'm new to this site...I'm not new to dieting however....yoyo is my middle name ;) I'm embarrassed to say after all my hard work with weight watchers and exercise I have regained all my post pg wt:( So I'm starting over...again.

Hope to meet others who have a mini goal of Halloween to lose some wt with.

A little about me...I am a mom to 3, a nurse, a wife, a sister, a daughter and a friend...I have a busy life and need to start thinking about my health. Oh...we also have a furbaby...jasper he has been my walking partner:)
Hi, I see where u r coming from, busy life, welcome to minimins, enjoy the ride. What WOE r u planning to follow;
Hi Sammy, thanks for the welcome, what does WOE stand for? I'm assuming it's a program? I'm kind of mixed b/w weight watchers and calorie counting....
Hi woe stands for way of eating....., so weight watchers, calorie counting, atkins etc.... hope are having a good day