
Hiya !!
Im Kayleigh , Im 23 years old and live in norfolk.. Im going to start dieting tomorro, but Im unsure of whether to join a group like swimming world or weight watchers? Im 15st7lb, I have no problem with exercising or eating properly I just choose the wrong things.. Thankfully Ive now realised that i dont look good and its not nice and i want to lose weight , I just think I need a bit of support and encouragement, and now ive found this site am helping it could be the boost i need :)
I was doing WW pro points and I loved it but I needed to speed things up a bit. I'll be following pro points when I get down to or close to goal, though. It's so easy to live with and it really doesn't feel like a diet. It's something you can sustain for life very easily, as it allows for a social life.
For now im just going to have weetabix/cereal with fruit in morning , soup or brown bread sandwich for lunch with low fat yog + fruit, then a dinner which ill serve on one of my sons plates so its a small portion , then if hungry just have more fruit, but hopefully with my dinner ill pack it with veggies as theyre mainly free :) No choc and no crisps lol! No pastry No batter + strictly no takeaways, Will treat myself when i lose my first stone :) lol xx