How do you calorie count?


Full Member
I just wondered who plans out all their food and their calories at the beginning of the day? And who goes through the whole day adding them up as they go along, trying to be careful? Or another method?

Do you keep a note on paper, or try and do it at the end of the day?

What works best for you? :)

I tend to add up as I go along, although obviously you have to be fairly careful. Sometimes I just jot down numbers on a scrap of paper, but for the past few days I've written out every food and the exact number of calories- I'll go back to just jotting down numbers (or making a mental note of them), but occasionally having a day where I write everything out seems to help me to track stuff.

I always write things out on paper rather than using the computer, that's what has worked best for me (although I keep a tally of my actual weight loss in a spreadsheet on my computer), but some of those calorie tracking websites look good too.
i've got a note book, i plan out my whole day first thing in the morning so i dont go off track.
I just count as I go along, and just add up everything at the end of the day I dont really plan things but I now know the amount of calories in foods so I know I wont go over x
I lay everything out im going to eat that day on the counter..unless it needs to be in the fridge..then i dont go off course.
I have two notepads one on my desk and one by my bed, and write down all that I eat and the calories rounded up to the nearest ten.

I must have 800 minimum and 1600 maximum, and choose which according to how hungry I am feeling on that particular day.
I add it up as I go along using a programme on my computer. If I'm out i just add it up in my head and add it onto the daily tally once I get home. This works well for me because the laptop is usually on (or 'sleep') even if I'm not using it anyway, and it takes seconds to add the food onto the list and to the tally.
I'm using & already quite anal about it!! :D
i add as i go along but i have an idea of what i should and shouldnt eat

i alos have pretty much the same food most days for brekkie as well

I add up as I go along too. I don't like planning food as I don't know how hungry I'm going to be, how much exercise I'll be doing in the day, or what cravings I might have! I use the foodfocus website, and update it as soon as I eat or drink anything, so I know how many calories I have left for the day. It's amazing how quickly it adds up, and the actual count is far higher than I thought it was when I was adding up in my head! I also have a few favourites for lunch (slim-a-soup, matzo crackers, light triangle cheese, fat free yoghurt, apple) and try to keep very low calorie options for snacks (thin slices of square ham are ridiculously low in calories!) in the cupboard. I've lost around 12lbs so far ... only another 3 stone to go!
novaX I use my fitness pal too on my ipod touch, I just keep it in my pocket and as I eat (or drink, it records your water too) I put it in. And then when I weigh myself mid week (naughty!) I like adding it because it's got a graph that shows your weightloss.
I have a little diary I keep in my handbag at all times (because my handbag goes everywhere with me!)

For example, yesterdays entry:

Breakfast - Weetabix & Milk - 180 calories

Lunch - Sandwich - 240 calories

Snack - Banana - 100 calories

Dinner - Chicken & Potato - 470 calories

TOTAL - 990 calories for the day

What I ate yesterday filled me up, if I had been more hungry I would have eaten more fruit in between or snacked on carrots :p

I go no lower than 800 calories and no more than 1200 hehe

I put everything in sticky notes on my pc

Example for today

93.1 Cals Muller Light Cherry
33.3 Cals Peach 120g 19g pip

42 Cals 200g Salad
16 Cals 40g Onion
29 Cals 110g Red Pepper
18 Cals 91g Green Pepper
100.3 Cals 170g Prawns
41 Cals 270g Cucumber
22 Cals 123g Tomatoes

50 Cals 200g Whole Green Beans
33 Cals 150g Carrots
24 Cals 100g Broccoli
257 Cals 400g Chicken Curry with rice

33.99 Peach 123g 20g Pip
32.67 Peach 117g 18g Pip
34.65 Peach 125g 20g Pip

52 Cals Nescafe Light Cappuccino
52 Cals Nescafe Light Cappuccino
