How Jordan , katie price lost 2 stone in 6 weeks


Strong women stay slim
¼ Cucumber; 1 stick of celery; ½ small pineapple, peeled and chopped; Handful of spinach leaves; ¼ lime, peeled; 4 golden Delicious apples, chopped; Flesh of ½ ripe avocado; Small hand full of ice
How to make the smoothie
Juice the cucumber, celery, pineapple, spinach, lime and 3 1/2 apples. Place the avocado and remaining 1/2 apple in a blender, together with the juice mixture and ice. Give a good whiz for 45 seconds. Pour into a glass and serve.
How to Follow the Diet
Prepare the juices daily - if you follow the instructions above you will have enough juice for breakfast and lunch. Your evening meal should be well balanced - Jordan was choosing either a chicken salad or fish and vegetables.
Why it is good for you
It is loaded with the 6 essential dietary needs. The avocado provides fibre, good fat and protein. The smoothie is packed with loads of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants to nourish your body
Ah, I know it well, that's Jason Vale's juice.

Or 'green goo' as it's known in our house.

It sounds grim but is actually really tasty. I did a week's juice retreat with him, which was an excellent experience - as well as losing about 6lbs and a couple of inches of tummy bloat.
Virgo Girl
Hey yes how much was that retreat ? was that in turkey ? tell me all ? what was the best juices you made ? great 6lb loss
That diet is not safe to be followed for weeks on end!

It is guaranteed to be short on many vitamins and minerals that we require for bodily health!
Thats why its only a short term diet 6 weeks . Really thats not long .
olli , lol , thats yet to come , she wants to go smaller but peters not a happy man about it lol
The problem with diets like these is maintenance. Once a person begins eating normal breakfasts and lunches again, or forgoing breakfast all together, they puff back up. Plus, I would not want to look like Jordan if at all possible. lol
I tend to think that Jordan said she was following this diet to avoid public criticism but was actually just starving herself and skipping meals as is usally the case with severe and ultra fast weight loss.