How many carbs and still be in ketosis?


Silver Member
Hi guys, was just wondering how many carbs you can eat and still remain in ketosis, I have the impression that it's less than 30g a day, is this correct?

Thanks :)
Some people can stay in ketosis with much higher levels of carbs but lower calorie intake. I was in ketosis on 70g per day but eating only 550 calories.

I'm on 30-35g per day & am still in ketosis & not counting calories which is how I prefer it...

Everyone is different tho. x
Thank you Ditzeeblonde for your reply ^^ I'll stick with what am doing then and hope it yields results!
I don't think you have to be in ketosis to actually lose weight Stephen, By the time I was in the later stages of OWL I was on 40 G per day of carbs and I was still losing and I had none of the symptoms of ketosis.