I was wondering because I can't just have 28g of porridge - I have to have a scan bran with it if i want to reach the required amount if fibre for the HEX B. Any idea?
I was wondering because I can't just have 28g of porridge - I have to have a scan bran with it if i want to reach the required amount if fibre for the HEX B. Any idea?
I think they calculate it using different things than just fibre! I guess they keep that to them selves-so we only have the HE that they say are allowed sorry I couldnt be more helpful!
You don't have to have it all, SW FAQ say so. I NEVER have the ryvita/scanbran with my oat so simple sachets and never have. It's not essential it's just better. Just like if you end up with left over milk, you don't have to finish it off!