Attack How much is too much?


Silver Member
Hello everyone, I started Attack on Monday and according to the website after 5 days I should lose about 4.5lbs. I have weighed myself every morning and this morning the scales were showing a loss of 6lb.

Now don't get me wrong I am very very happy with this but I have at least 3 mores days of Attack.

I don't feel hungry or tired, I feel quite amazing and i love protein but I know rapid weight loss isn't always a good thing.

shall I continue attack? Anyone been through the same thing?

Thanks in advance xx
Initally it is only water you are losing the real weight you lose is in cruise. You may find you go up slightly tomorrow as your body is adjusting, you may also find that you don't lose anything the first week of cruise. As long as you feel ok see how you go
Thank you 1981girl, the scales are now showing 10.5lb loss, that was last night and again this morning. But it must be water because I don't look or feel any slimmer :eek:
Thank you 1981girl, the scales are now showing 10.5lb loss, that was last night and again this morning. But it must be water because I don't look or feel any slimmer :eek:


My friend started on Monday too and she has lost 9lbs as of this morning.

Her start weight was about just over 12st, so she is baffled herself lol!

I did tell her about the water retention thing, as she is known to cook very rarely but I guess all weightloss is good, especially as a kickstart to long-term progress :)

Well done!
It is quite amazing though isn't it?

I have in the past lost 5lb or so on the first week of 'dieting' through water retention but this is amazing :happy036:

I am happy and it is keeping me motivated :D
well done! and don't worry - you'll definitely feel a difference in your clothes soon, even if you can't see it yourself yet.
Hi, last week was my attack wweek and on day 6 I'd lost 7lb though I put .2lb back on for my final attack weigh on the next day. It does say in the book this is a short sharp shock week to make you body lose all the fluids etc., keep going, you've done well.

so long as you are following the diet properly don't worry. everyone will experience things differently, you go girl !!!!
Thank you. I have put 3lb back on when I weighed myself this morning, so a loss of 7.5lb which has made me feel better. I am doing a few more days of attack and my official weigh in is on Monday do we will wait and see :D
LOL, I think thats one of the pit falls of weighing every day, we are conditioned to be happy with losses and sad with gains, if you were to only weigh at beinging and end you'd probably find you wouldn't have noticed the 10lb, but its nice to see it every day if it is good news LOL