How often do you have a cheat day/day off?


Just wondering whether any of you members have a day off from the plan or let yourself have a cheat day?

At least twice every month me and my partner are out for some sort of social event i.e. birthdays or celebrations of some kind and its really hard to stay on track on those nights. I usually let myself have that day by cutting down on calories (now syns) during the week but i usually end up going overboard :cool:.

Does this happen to anyone else and how often?
Yes I do sometimes but get back on track asap the next day, so don't worry too much, just keep going :)
I do think it is impossible to live normal life without cheating days;-) we all would go crazy for sure;-) So we all cheat time to time! that is for sure;-) the main thing is to come back to the diet plan as soon as possible! if you do only one cheating day in a week it is completely ok! i ave heard that it was dieting plan of Beyonce - she had very strist diet for 6 days and 1 day she could eat whatever she wanted;-)
I do it once a week. I am strict 6 days per week with no syns and lots of superfree, and then give myself 1 day off a week, either a Friday or a Saturday.
Treat days are needed, but i am finding its hard to get back on track the next day so i think i will avoid treat days for a couple of weeks now
i don't have them every week, as I like to keep them for special occasions where i will really enjoy the food/drink. usually when i go for a meal out or to a different city etc, but I'll try and stick to plan before and after to minimise gains. I always flexi syn these weeks and cut right back.

Each week i usually have a day where i go over my syns, which is no problem as i count mine weekly rather than daily. if i'm going out for a drink on the weekend, it mean i can 'save' some syns from the week and enjoy them on the weekend instead, without any guilt :)
Never, I don't use food as a treat any more. If I want something I have it but I account for it from my syns, or if its a special night out by having a flexi syn day. Thats's what they are there for after all! It's perfectly possible to live a normal life and still enjoy yourself while staying completely on plan, so don't use having a social life as an excuse to jeopardise your weight loss
Good point patchworkpuss! I think we can beat ourselfs up too much at times!
I save my syns during the week because we always go out on a Saturday. We go out to different pubs and out for tea. I keep a notepad in my bag and count everything I eat and drink. It's not cheating if you count it. I have yet to go over my syns for a week. (Of course I haven't been doing this for very long.)
Just wondering whether any of you members have a day off from the plan or let yourself have a cheat day?

At least twice every month me and my partner are out for some sort of social event i.e. birthdays or celebrations of some kind and its really hard to stay on track on those nights. I usually let myself have that day by cutting down on calories (now syns) during the week but i usually end up going overboard :cool:.

Does this happen to anyone else and how often?

I went for about 150 days solid without breaking the plan. Now i have difficulty with 150 minutes.
Been on SW for 5 weeks and haven't needed a cheat day yet. I suppose I have had a couple of cheat meals! I have eaten out twice - I looked up the menu online both times and decided what the best options were. Neither were particularly healthy (veggie options always seem so high in fat), and to be honest the first time I felt a little anxious. I estimated the syns best I could and stayed on plan the rest of the time, and both weeks had a loss. You can lead a normal life and still maintain/lose weight!
I have no self control....i had one chest day and it turned into 7weeks of bad eating and a 13lb gain...never again
I have more of a cheat evening.. after weigh in get home around 7pm and then that evening I treat myself to what I want for tea and some biscuits usually..I just don't count the syns! Nothing too crazy, then on Friday start my new week back on it.
I probably have one a week/fortnight if I fancy a takeaway, but the rest of the day I stick to no sugar in coffee, skimmed milk, frylight etc so it's not that bad.
So far not very often at all - but I think once a month for a takeaway is fine for me, and I always have my little daily treats like low-syn chocolate bars so I don't feel deprived :D
I've managed to be good on SW and stick to the plan for 2 months! That doesn't seem long for some people, but it's the first time I've managed to stick to it without having a cheat day. Usually my 'cheat day' will roll into the next day and the next... so I then give up and have to start all over again. As I've managed to lose a few pounds recently I just want to stick to it and keep going! :

Years ago when I was at target before, I found having 1 cheat day a month didn't hurt my weight loss plan and it gave me something to look forward to. Don't get me wrong! I didn't go crazy on a cheat day! But I would go out for a nice meal at a pub for either lunch or dinner and have 2 glasses of wine, I'd chose absolutely anything off the menu (starter/main/dessert etc) or I'd have a takeaway and then got back on the plan the next day ready to look forward to another treat day at the end of the next month. I found doing this kept me on track and didn't affect my weight (as it was only once per month).

I intend to do that again when I actually hit target as life is too short to miss out! But this time I'm determined to stick to the SW plan for good :)
I stick to the plan but it's not restrictive.
After weigh-in, I tend to have the greatest number of syns I allow myself in the week (around about 10 on a Monday night, if that) and return to up to 6 syns for the rest of the week.
Sundays tend to be lower-syn still with a lot of weeks, I opt not to syn at all.

Nowadays I really do find it difficult to spend my syns as high-fat items make me extremely ill, sometimes giving me acute stomach pains and sugary items tend to make me want to spit things out or vomit.
Some of you may be worried to hear this but it is just my body making the correct choices on food to eat. This has made me more of a chocolate snob but I don't mind as my body needs fresher foods which are as pure as possible :)
I had a cheat day in my first week of Slimming World :D But it was my birthday, so it's OK :p

It's hard to say how often. I don't have them randomly, I save them for planned events. Since starting the plan, I think I've had around 5-7 cheat days (2 of those being Christmas and New Years Eve). I purposely started the plan at a more difficult time of the year, as on my last diet (admittedly not great), I gave up after turning a daily event of eating what I like into a weekly one.

I probably define a cheat day a little differently than others, aha. I rarely use the full 15 syns in a day, so if I eat out and end up having 20 syns for the day, I don't feel guilty or that I've gone over.
I have always aimed at 10 syns a day and try to keep to this and if I dont have an evening out planned then would keep to this 7 days a week. if I then have an evening out that is planned (we probably go out to eat twice a month) I feel I have at least 30 extra syns to use from that particular week if required because I haven't used the full 15 syns a day, if I have more social engagements in the same week I would then try and cutback a bit and make healthier choices when I'm at home and out!