How to quit smoking?

you can't encourage a person to quit smoking unless that person wants to quit him/herself. i know it from experience, i am a smoker and if anybody tries to encourage me i get all nervous and just crave another cigarette:) i know that in order to quit successfully, i would really want to quit, or need to quit... it's not that easy, it's an addiction, simple encouragement doesn't work.
I remember a couple of years ago a friend of mine from work tried to stop and i was her "assigned" support person - she got loads of bumff from quit-line and they suggested loads of distraction techniques. Needless to say it never worked. Its like dieting, its a personal choice!
You can't .... sorry - it has to come from them. Any pressure will be totally counter-productive, trust me. xx
well, i decided to try and quit, yet again, due to some outside motivation. let's see if it works this time...:)
I keep meaning to stop smoking, but I know I'll fail, maybe one day...........

Good Luck Izmirka x
thank you, i quit smoking smth like... 6 hours ago and i am actually physically shaking:| it's absolutely horrible how addicted i am to it. i was supposed to be writing an essay outline for tomorrow at Uni, but i am unable to do anything because i cannot concentrate, so i will have to go home and do it there, as i think it will be easier if i just lay in bed with my laptop instead of sitting at uni and wanting to go out for a smoke.... aaaaagh... i am gonna kill myself...:|
still not smoking, although i am restraining myself with every thread of my being... i think i know where the problem is. i've always been trying to quit for other ppl, and not for me. i guess that others want me to, and i want them to be happy, but i don't really want to quit myself. well, here's to hope that i survive this and not give into smoking. gotta protect that wallet:)