I'm Beth, I'm twenty years old and I'm about to embark on LighterLife. I've have actually been dieting on and off since I was nine years old, always losing and then gaining even more afterwards and so I've decided that this, being my first year out of teen-dom, will be the year I actually change my life for the better.
This place looks utterly amazing, the support you give each other wonderful <3 And being a classic yo-yo I think support is exactly what I'll need.
Hope to chat to you all soon!
I'm Beth, I'm twenty years old and I'm about to embark on LighterLife. I've have actually been dieting on and off since I was nine years old, always losing and then gaining even more afterwards and so I've decided that this, being my first year out of teen-dom, will be the year I actually change my life for the better.
This place looks utterly amazing, the support you give each other wonderful <3 And being a classic yo-yo I think support is exactly what I'll need.
Hope to chat to you all soon!