

I'm Beth, I'm twenty years old and I'm about to embark on LighterLife. I've have actually been dieting on and off since I was nine years old, always losing and then gaining even more afterwards and so I've decided that this, being my first year out of teen-dom, will be the year I actually change my life for the better.

This place looks utterly amazing, the support you give each other wonderful <3 And being a classic yo-yo I think support is exactly what I'll need.

Hope to chat to you all soon!
Hi there! I just joined too and it looks like I am going to be starting LL on Tuesday, so just wanted to say hi to you... Have you done it before? Yes, it looks very supportive out here and that is why I joined this site.

A x
Thanks so much Irene! I took your advice and started a diary in the LL forum =D

And Annie, I've never done it before actually... It's my first time so I'm trying to go in with as much support as I can get and my eyes wide open haha! It's really nice to see someone else who'll be going through the tough bits at the same time as me =) I'm sure we'll be chatting a lot haha!
Hi letsgetitgone,

I am still thinking if I should start LL tomorrow. I have done it before and I was very successful with LL! Changed my life!:) But, I also know what was involved and how I felt through my journey. I am hoping to catch my WW leader/friend today and see if this may be an option or am I just trying to escape from doing LL and making excuses? ;)

Good luck on LL and yes, I am sure we'll be catching up again.

A x