Silver Member
Hi all, thought Id start a weight loss diary to put all my thoughts on. Ive lost count of the number of times Ive restarted SW but nevermind the main thing is Im back on plan. Im vegetarian so follow the green plan. Due to my nearest class being 24 miles away Im going it alone from home with the support of minimins. My starting weight was 18st 2lbs & Ive lost 2lbs on my 1st week. Ive joined the gym & had a personal programme done so that I have something to work to. I aim to go 3 times a week & other days I will walk or do wii fit. My husband isnt the most supportive Im afraid. Due to me being so overweight I snore at night therefore he sleeps in the spare room everynight. I'm determind to change my eating habits forever rather than viewing this as 'a diet' & with sw Im sure I can achieve that. There may be ups & downs along the way but as long as I dont beat myself up over them & get back on plan asap then I'm sure I'll lose weight. My long term goal is to lose 5 stone breaking it down into half stone goals. Sorry for the rambling lol. Anyway Im off to search the recipe & syn sections & catch up with everyone x