I am back


Hi all well I am back, just been away for a weeks holiday all inclusive!
Before I went I was struggling with slim and save and lost a total of 9lb in 3 weeks I really felt this wasn't a good achievement but thought I would enjoy my holiday and not worry well during my all inclusive week I tried to be relitavely good even though hubby and the kids were stuffing there faces and come home to find I have put back on 5lb so still not as heavy as I was before slim and save. I really need toget back into it and today is day 1 (again lol)
Good luck babyfairy. Hope you do get back into it - nice to have enjoyed your time away thou x
Well done on not putting it all back on & best of luck with your re-start x
Good luck. I know how you feel but just keep going and it will eventually come right off.
tomsgf said:
Good luck. I know how you feel but just keep going and it will eventually come right off.

Glad your holiday was fab, welcome back!
It's all worth it in the long run.
Good luck!

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Good luck babyfairy :)

Hi all well I am back, just been away for a weeks holiday all inclusive!
Before I went I was struggling with slim and save and lost a total of 9lb in 3 weeks I really felt this wasn't a good achievement but thought I would enjoy my holiday and not worry well during my all inclusive week I tried to be relitavely good even though hubby and the kids were stuffing there faces and come home to find I have put back on 5lb so still not as heavy as I was before slim and save. I really need toget back into it and today is day 1 (again lol)