Blonde Logic
Yes. You can.
I am not sure if I want to eat ot if I want to smoke - or if I want to do both, but I am having an internal battle at the moment.
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pissed off right now. I am pissed off at my husband, and need to vent in a place where his privacy is not jeopardised – so lucky you’s!!
Some might say I am over reacting, some might not – but I am mad as hell and spitting nails – so mad I did not get a wink of sleep last night.
Hubby is in California working on our site. I spoke to him last night at our arranged time. 2 minutes in to the call he said, “Honey, I have a confession to make.....”
Me: “ ummmmm, oooookay? What is it?”
Him: I borrowed $2500 from your inheritance, and I bought a 1974 Cadillac Coupe DeVille.
Me: silence. More silence. Lots more silence. And even more endless silence.
Him: hello?
Me: WTF did you do that for???!!!

I am so pissed off that he just helped himself to my mom’s money without the decency of a conversation first!!! I have not even touched that money. I don’t want to . I want my mom. Not a freakin Caddy. That money has never once entered my mind. But for him to just assume its OK – take the money and then tell me he will pay it back’s just not OK with me. At all. And I am steaming. I am hurt and I am angry. And boy does he know it.
And what makes it worse, what makes it absolutely intolerable, is I ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY H-A-T-E Cadillacs. Not dislike them, or am indifferent about them. I LOATHE them. There is not one single thing about them I like. Not ONE. And he knows this. He loves them - any classic American car the size of a football field, he loves. Fine – get one. Just not on ME.
Because I was out of my head with grief last year, I made some mistakes – big ones – and spent too much money. As a result, I am living month to month on the tightest string imaginable so it can all be paid back. I have no transportation and rely on my feet, to save money on petrol – and I need surgery on both feet – they hurt constantly. I am doing all I can to “make amends” for how I behaved when I was not mentally myself. And he feels this is justified because of what I did.
How long does one have to pay for their screw up – surely it expires after awhile.
Grrrrrrr..... I never get mad. Not like this...but I am so pissed off, he can freakin stay out there as far as I am concerned. He can live in his bl00dy Cadillac. Peice of sh*t car. PEICE OF ****. Frikkin 1974 Mint Green Freakin Cadillac!!!!
(course I don’t mean that, and will get over it – but not today by the look of it.)
I WANT TO EAT OR SMOKE _ and I can't do either!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pissed off right now. I am pissed off at my husband, and need to vent in a place where his privacy is not jeopardised – so lucky you’s!!
Some might say I am over reacting, some might not – but I am mad as hell and spitting nails – so mad I did not get a wink of sleep last night.
Hubby is in California working on our site. I spoke to him last night at our arranged time. 2 minutes in to the call he said, “Honey, I have a confession to make.....”
Me: “ ummmmm, oooookay? What is it?”
Him: I borrowed $2500 from your inheritance, and I bought a 1974 Cadillac Coupe DeVille.
Me: silence. More silence. Lots more silence. And even more endless silence.
Him: hello?
Me: WTF did you do that for???!!!
I am so pissed off that he just helped himself to my mom’s money without the decency of a conversation first!!! I have not even touched that money. I don’t want to . I want my mom. Not a freakin Caddy. That money has never once entered my mind. But for him to just assume its OK – take the money and then tell me he will pay it back’s just not OK with me. At all. And I am steaming. I am hurt and I am angry. And boy does he know it.
And what makes it worse, what makes it absolutely intolerable, is I ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY H-A-T-E Cadillacs. Not dislike them, or am indifferent about them. I LOATHE them. There is not one single thing about them I like. Not ONE. And he knows this. He loves them - any classic American car the size of a football field, he loves. Fine – get one. Just not on ME.
Because I was out of my head with grief last year, I made some mistakes – big ones – and spent too much money. As a result, I am living month to month on the tightest string imaginable so it can all be paid back. I have no transportation and rely on my feet, to save money on petrol – and I need surgery on both feet – they hurt constantly. I am doing all I can to “make amends” for how I behaved when I was not mentally myself. And he feels this is justified because of what I did.
How long does one have to pay for their screw up – surely it expires after awhile.
Grrrrrrr..... I never get mad. Not like this...but I am so pissed off, he can freakin stay out there as far as I am concerned. He can live in his bl00dy Cadillac. Peice of sh*t car. PEICE OF ****. Frikkin 1974 Mint Green Freakin Cadillac!!!!
(course I don’t mean that, and will get over it – but not today by the look of it.)
I WANT TO EAT OR SMOKE _ and I can't do either!!!!!!!!!!!!!1