I am returning.


Hi, I was Beautifulmess but after a long break to sort my head out, I decided to restart Slimming World after the break for one simple reason.

I feel terrible when I eat bad food, unwell, tired and bloated. I have eaten take away and been sick for days afterwards and it's simply because of the food and not that it's dodgy or anything.

Weight wasn't enough motivation for me, perhaps my health will be.
I work in a very physical job, I'm a receptionist at Tenpin Bowling, the receptionist bit doesn't mean I have a desk to sit down at, I am liturally run off my feet pretty much every shift, espcially if it's a day shift. I want do more exercise now the summers out though.

I did a sponsored hike 2 Saturdays ago for WaterAid and I was so unfit, a slow steady hill for 2 hours... my god it was bad lol, felt amazing once we got to the top though) :D

Add me if you need support as I'm going to need it :D:p
Hi Redlands, welcome back lol, your post rings a bell to me! I'm jusy starting again just got back from Florida had an amazing fortnight that matches my waistline. Before I went away I had a phone call of my doc to tell me my cholesterol is high and he would see me when I got back so now I really have to sort myself out too!
Good luck shout if you need anything x
Hi, I'm going to the doctors on Thursday, I'm going to ask for a thyroid check, and see if I'm allowed a health check to perhaps give me MORE motivation to lose weight, my main reason to go is to get referred to counselling as my panic attacks have come back full force in the last 2 weeks :(
Aw bless ya, had one of those test and they said mine was fine. Just don't give up keep going. Good luck with your test x
Really sorry to hear about your panic attacks RP. (I'm a psychotherapist and an ex-panic attack patient myself!) Do insist on getting help quickly; it's available and you deserve it.
Hi, I went to the doctors today. Was horrible (not the doctors) caught the bus as it was thundering and I just wanted to stay in :( Guess that means, todays goal was ticked as I forced myself to go. I had a panic attack outside the doctors, heaved a lot then burst into tears, burst into tears again in front of the doctor (I'm an emotional person heh) anyhow, she's referred me to some more cognitive therapy, then given me some lansoprazole which apprantly might help the throat 'lumps' that cause me to panic, she thinks it MIGHT be caused by too much acid so it's worth a try.

She said perhaps not to go to SW until I'm feeling better but I think the my weight is another reason why they came back, i know it can be linked to many things and diet is one of them.

Feel kinda emotional exhausted now... going to have some soup I think when my stomach calms down a bit as I think it's properly the meal I enjoy the most heh.
Hi am glad you managed to go despite the weather, and panic attacks well done, I do agree that you should keep on diet as its a very posative move and weight loss does make you feel so better about yourself!
Good luck hun and keep your chin up it will all come right x
I didn't manage to get to a slimming world class. I worked until 2am Friday and couldn't face going Saturday morning, I had the worse shift at work today, had next to no sleep and then threw up the entire shift :S I ended up leaving 2 hours before my shift was due to end and I feel at some point thats going to come back to bite me.. :S
Sunday I ended up coming back from work because I was throwing up ALL shift :( I did 5 hours and then asked the boss if I could go home. My throat was raw and felt damaged, yesterday wasn't too bad but it's back again today, just hope it won't make me throw up today. I was told by the doctor to leave slimming world classes until I can manage them without panicing...

So I am going off menory and have bought a small amount of food to start my slimming world journey.
It's nearly 2pm but we ate late last night so I haven't yet eaten, i'm going to make a brunch thing of a slimming world cooked breakfast and I think we're going to be having a spag bol or maybe a tuna baked spud.

How much skimmed milk are you allowed now? Although I'm not wanting too much milk because of the lump in my throat...
