i am stalling

Yes it can be, it may be Post Induction Stall Syndrome (PISS), best post what you are eating though so we can check it for you Coco.
I lost 4 lbs the first week and nothing the second. Its not very quick for me - its someweeks on, someweeks off and someweeks sts. but its coming off!
yes - do you mean like a post lilke a diary?
ooh i dont look at the blogs ! are there many on there?
Yes Coco, put it on here.
my weight has been roughly the same for the past 6/7days - apart from weigh in when i lost 2lbs but today i have jumped back up again

you should concentrate on how your clothes feel rather than your wieght
Everybody's weight fluctuates on a daily basis, don't worry about it.